📆Book resource

Creates a booking for a given resource, start date and duration.

Error codes

Error CodeDescription
INVALID_INTERVALYou cannot make a booking of this length.
BOOKING_CONFLICTThe resource is already booked.
EVENT_CONFLICTThere is an event already
RESOURCE_FULLThe resource is fully booked.
AREA_FULLThe area this resource is in is now fully booked.
TOO_MANY_VISITORSYou have registered too many visitors
NO_PAST_BOOKINGSBookings ending in the past are not allowed by this location.
HARD_LIMIT_WEEKThis customer has made too many bookings this week.
HARD_LIMIT_MONTHThis customer has made too many bookings this month.
INVALID_TARIFFThis customer is not in the correct plan to book this resource.
INVALID_TEAMThis customer is not in the correct team to book this resource.
NOT_AVAILABLEThis resource is not available.
START_TIME_TOO_EARLYYou cannot book this resource this far in advance.
START_TIME_TOO_LATEYou cannot book this resource this late.
TOO_LONGThe booking is too long.
TOO_SHORTThe booking is too short
NO_RETURN_POLICYYou cannot book this resource again this soon.
NO_CREDITYou cannot book this resource because you do not have enough credit.
CUSTOM_MESSAGEThe booking was rejected based on a custom message.
INVALID_DESKThe desk id passed in was not found or is not connected to this resource.
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