
Gets your marketplace application feed contents

location object

The location JSON object in the response contains the following fields

idA unique id for this location
network_idA unique id representing a group or related locations. When an operator runs more than one location, each location has a a unique "id" but they all share the same "network_id"
nameThe public name for this location
descriptionAn HTML description of this location.
logo_urlA URL to obtain the logo image for this location. You can use the "w" and "h" query parameters to obtain a cropped size.
banner_urlA URL to obtain the banner image for this location. You can use the "w" and "h" query parameters to obtain a cropped size.
calendar_urlThe URL for the JSON calendar feed.
feed_urlThe URL of this feed filtered just for this location.
lngThe geographical longitud for this location.
latThe geographical latitud for this location.
addressThe postal address for this location
postcodeThe zip/postal code for this location
cityThe city for this location.
emailThe contact email for this location
phoneThe contact phone for this location.
timezone.nameThe English name for the time zone this location is at.
timezone.descriptionThe English description for the time zone this location is at.
timezone.ianaThe IANA standard name for the time zone this location is at.
currency.nameThe name of the currency used as primary currency in this location.
currency.codeThe three letter standard code of the currency used as primary currency in this location.
country.nameThe English name for the country this location is at.
country.codeThe two digit ISO code for the country this location is at.
opening_timesAn array showing the opening times for this location for each of day of the week. Opening times are displayed as the number of minutes from local time midnight. For example 10am to 6pm will show as from 600 to 1080.
cancellation_policyThe booking cancellation policy type. Can be one of:

- "Prevent": cancellation is not possible. If a booking is ongoing, it can be extended.
- "CancelInvoice": cancellation within the resource cancellation policy. A credit note will be issued.
- "RefundInvoice": cancellation within the resource cancellation policy. A credit note will be issued and the paid amount will be refunded.Check "cancellation_policy" property in resource object for details about cancellation fees after the cancellation policy is broken.


The price_settings JSON object in the response contains the following fields

tax_rateThe standard tax rate used to in this location
prices_includes_taxWhether the prices for products, plans and resources in the feed include or not tax.
display_taxWhether the location wishes to display prices with tax or not.

resources object

The resources JSON object in the response contains an array of objects with the following fields. Resources are typically meeting rooms or other bookable services or amenities.

idA unique id for this resource.
nameA name for this resource.
descriptionAn HTML description for this resource.
capacityThe number of people this resource can accommodate. This field is typically populated for resources representing meeting rooms but different operators may have configured differently based on their needs.
desk_capacityIf this resource is connected to one or more desks, this value shows how many desks are available. If this value is available, Nexudus will allow up to this number of bookings for a given resource, regardless of the "capacity" value.
calendar_urlThe calendar JSON feed for this specific resource
available_urlThe API endpoint to check availability for this resource.
image_urlA URL to obtain an image for this resource. You can use the "w" and "h" query parameters to obtain a cropped size.
resource_type.idA unique integer id to represent this type of resource. Type of resources can be created and named by Nexudus customers. Nexudus customers can group resources by type and group in order to help their customers navigate and find the appropriate resources.
resource_type.nameThe of the type of resource assigned to this resource. Type of resources can be created and named by Nexudus customers. Nexudus customers can group resources by type and group in order to help their customers navigate and find the appropriate resources.
featuresA set of boolean keys indicating the amenities and features available in this resource.
groupA string name for a group of one or more resources. Nexudus customers can group resources by type and group in order to help their customers navigate and find the appropriate resources.
unit_typesIf this resource is connected to one or more floor plan units, this array of strings will show your their types. Nexudus customers can choose 4 types of these units

- Office: the resource represents one or more private office units
- DedicatedDesk: the resource represents one or more dedicated desks
- HotDesk: the resource represents one or more hot-desks
- Other: the resource represents one or more units of any other type.
cancellation_policy.amountA fixed amount to charge when a booking is cancelled and breaks the cancellation policy of this resource.
cancellation_policy.percentA percentage of the booking price amount to charge when a booking is cancelled and breaks the cancellation policy of this resource.
cancellation_policy.typeThe type of charge to apply when a booking is cancelled and breaks the cancellation policy of this resource.

- Absolute
- Percentage
charges_feeWhether a fee will be charged hen a booking is cancelled and breaks the cancellation policy of this resource.
cancellation_limit_minutesThe number of minutes before the start of the booking when the cancellation policy and fees start to apply.
ratesA list of rate objects describing the different prices available for this resource
time_slotsA list of times and days of the week when this resource can booked. If empty, the resource can be booked all the time.
rates.idA unique id for this rate.
rates.nameA name for this rate.
rates.descriptionA description for this rate.
rates.priceA price for this rate. If the period is "Minutes" this price represents the price for 60 minutes.
rates.members_onlyIndicates this rate only applies to current members.
rates.contacts_onlyIndicates this rate only applies to current non members.
rates.min_length_minutesThe minimum duration of a booking for this rate to apply to such booking.
rates.max_length_minutesThe maximum duration of a booking for this rate to apply to such booking.
rates.fixed_priceA price for the first number of minutes of a booking defined by "rates.fixed_price_length_minutes" before applying a price per period defined by "rates.price"
rates.fixed_price_length_minutesA number of minutes during which the fixed price is applied.

resource.time_slots object

An object defining when a resource starts and ends to be available for a given date of the week.

week_dayThe of the day of the week this restriction applies to. I.e Monday, Tuesday, ...
from.hourThe hour when the resource starts to be available on this day of the week.
from.minuteThe minute when the resource starts to be available on this day of the week.
until.hourThe hour when the resource ends to be available on this day of the week.
until.minuteThe minute when the resource ends to be available on this day of the week.

plans object

The plans JSON object in the response contains an array of objects with the following fields. Plans are typically memberships or services customers can sign up to.

idA unique id for this plan
nameThe name for this plan
descriptionAn HTML description for this plan.
buy_urlA link to purchase or sign up to this plan.
price.amountThe price of this plan
price.currencyThe three letter standard code of the currency of the price of this plan.
price_per_dayThe price of the plan adjusted to a single day. This lets you compare and sort plans by their relative daily price, regardless of their billing frequency.
groupA category for this plan.
cycle_in_monthsHow often is the plan paid for in months. Has a value of 0 if the plan is paid every a number of weeks.
cycle_in_weeksHow often is the plan paid for in weeks. Has a value of 0 if the plan is paid every a number of months.

products object

The products JSON object in the response contains an array of objects with the following fields. Products are typically services customers buy as a one-off.

idA unique id for this product.
nameThe name of this product.
buy_urlA link to purchase this product.
image_urlA URL to obtain an image for this product. You can use the "w" and "h" query parameters to obtain a cropped size.
price.amountThe price of this plan.
price.currencyThe three letter standard code of the currency of the price of this product.
groupA category for this product.

events object

The products JSON object in the response contains an array of objects with the following fields.

idA unique id for this event.
nameThe name of this event.
image_urlA URL to obtain a small image for this event. You can use the "w" and "h" query parameters to obtain a cropped size.
large_image_urlA URL to obtain a large image for this event. You can use the "w" and "h" query parameters to obtain a cropped size.
buy_urlA link to purchase tickets for or RSVP to this event.

event.tickets object

The event.tickets JSON object in the response contains an array of objects with the following fields. These represent the individual tickets available in this event.

idA unique id for this ticket.
nameA name for this ticket.
price.amountThe price of this plan.
price.currencyThe three letter standard code of the currency of the price of this ticket.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!